Wednesday, July 25, 2012

72. the language of birth.

on monday i was called to my 72nd birth. not all of these have been home births. some have been transports, but were successful vaginal births. others ended in c/s. only one or two were somewhat emergent. one because of bad FHTs that happened after we were in the hospital - 7 mins from decision to incision. the second was a surprise breech. still transported by car, but because she was a primip there wasn't a doc willing to let her attempt a vaginal birth. 

but that's not what this is about. on monday i attended my 72nd birth and i'm entering into primary care under supervision. 

what i'm learning from this is the language of birth. finding within myself the authenticity of guiding a women through her experience as and if she needs it. 

i have been having discussions about the visceral versus the intellectual understanding of birth. number 72 was a primip, but she was also an experienced midwife who had her mind blown from the power and the intensity of her birth. she had a visceral experience of which she had deep intellectual knowledge about. 

i know with time i will develop my own language. one that is authentic to me and not seeming like rehearsed lines from a midwifery handbook. 

being with woman is one thing, but actually guiding a woman through her experience is another and i don't think you can actually learn this other than doing it. being in that primary role. 

one of my special challenges in life is my ability to communicate. verbally. clearly. concisely. effectively. 

developing this ability, this language of birth will be awkward. and probably one of the most informative and growing experiences of my midwifery education. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

an internationally trained midwives worst nightmare

so i decided i needed to check into the MMBP program as i periodically do wondering how son i could apply... and i found the above message. 

what the fuck!?

what is canada doing? how are they going to meet the needs and demand for midwives? 

sorry. freaking out right now. 

does anyone know more about this?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

hey men. don't rape women.

i love this post. it is a great follow-up to a recent article, "Don't Rape:" Part I".

with all the shit that has been going off in the US as of late, it is clear that the liberties of women and in turn american society are under threat. 

does the government really understand the repercussions of legislating women's reproductive rights? the media has already labelled a young college woman as a slut because she was fighting to keep her access to birth control. implying in many people's minds that maybe she deserves to be raped if you know, she wants to go out and be a sexually active woman.

i wish i could articulate the fear that is building in me from what i hear in the media, what is being put forth by legislators, and what some of the population believe. the only saving grace is republican woman taking a stand against their lesser halves. 

i suppose this tangent is off topic to the poster, but i think it's also fundamental to the point of it's message. where are the men in the discussion about reproductive rights? what is their responsibility and what is society imbuing in young men and women today?